Sunday, March 6, 2011

What A Day!

Wow, its been a big day of firsts for me! I rode in a car and plane for the first time and got to meet my puppy raiser family! All the people in the Tampa airport were sooo nice to me - everybody at the Continental counter wanted to see me and say hello. Of course, I'm a friendly girl, so I loved the attention! The security guards were totally cool, letting us cut the line so we didn't have to wait so long. The counter peeps loved me, so I licked them like crazy, and they let me board the plane first. I felt like a VIP - a Very Important Puppy! The flight attendants were awesome, too! And I met tons of people and got to tell them all about becoming a Guide Dog. :) Like I said, what a day!


  1. So....where did you potty on the plane? Are you that smart that you can use the human potty?

  2. I was a good girl and went outside the airport! So I never went on the plane. :) yay me!
